There is a situation where the Islamic rebel leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani goes to Bashir and Jalali. Vereinbart would be a reibungslose declaration of the Verwaltungsgeschäfte that the power of the power holdabe, who is the nachrichtende sender of Al-Arabiya messagesete. Jalali stimulates the storage of power and the aufständische zu. “Statements have been made that are the government’s government,” says the prime minister of the other government. “If there was a revolution in Syria, there was a revolution. It was the will of the people and a desire for change.”

Al-Bashir came from the Northwestern Governorate of Idlib, from the Rebel Hochburg, from the Islamist Group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) with its offensively initiated hatte. Posts about the study of the Politiker Elektronikengineer and Islamic Law. There is Anfang 40.

After the coming to power of the Syrian rulers Bashar al-Assad, with the long-term Schreckensherrschaft signal family, a new and uncertain Chapter began in the former citizens’ country. The Jubilee Immung of most Syrians, the Assad flights in Moscow as boldness, feel with the Sorge about Chaos and new Gewalt, which can now no longer exist.

The Alliance with the Rebels, which attacks the Islamists, will use a Blitz offensive for the agile Frage, who wollen spaltene Land-regieren. A woman from the Hauptstadt Damaskus posts on the tag after the storm of turbulent circumstances. “Überall herrscht Chaos,” said a woman named Saina, late in the Assad-Residenz family. Auf der Straße move sich Gruppen, die “wie Banden aussehen”. If you are looking at the roads of an uninterested low house, it is a good idea to use a nighttime Ausgangssperre.

Viele Geschäfte blieben laut Augenzeugen geschlossen. “Seit Samstag ich die Türen nicht öffnen”, says a man named Mustafa, who whoever the Mut hatte, seinen Supermarkt zu öffnen. “He is truly happy,” he says. “Auf de Hauptstraßen was looted”, message is – aber sein Laden sei small and here hidden.

If you are in Turkey and Lebanon, you will get a lot of Syrian refugees, who will report on long journeys and the Grenzübergängen in Montag. Since the Syrian family has fallen since the end of the Assad government in its homeland – despite a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, more than 16 million people have been affected by it.

The Islamist Hamas organization of the Syrian government after the Sturz von Assad-Glückwünsche and the loss of an einigkeit. “The Hamas encourages the Syrian people to continue with their respect for their efforts towards freedom and justice”, it is clear from the Palästinenserorganisation am Montag. The Hamas narrative “all parts of the Syrian people have forgiven their debt” continues. Under the Assad war, Syria has won a component of the Iranian population, “Achse des Widerstands” against Israel, which belongs to the Hisbollah in Lebanon and the Hamas in the Gaza Strip. See the beginning of the Gaza Kriegs in October 2023, Israel weitete the Luftangriffe with the Iran in Verbindung Stehende Ziele in Syria aus.

For more than 50 years, the Assad family no longer hates the fight brutally Weise. Bashar al-Assad, Russia has the family of the humanitarian Gründen Asyl gewährte, behind a geese Catalog grauenvoller Verbrechen gegen das Volk, die Einsatz of Chemiewaffen and Fassbomben so wie Mord and statlich angeordnete Torture.

Assad and Assad ended up in an EU country or before the International Criminal Court of Justice for the trial of their enemies. UN High Commissioner Volker Türk demands justice for all possibilities of human legal treaties with civil rights. Assad muse zur Rechenschaft were sucked, said the Chief of the UN Office for Human Rights in Geneva.

In the big city of Aleppo, there is an old Ruhe in the country after the historic Umbruch. People flowed along the streets around the market and were driven by traffic. In Aleppo, the demnach bis auf the Islamistengruppe Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the regime of the regime in life as two women, but there are still no groups involved.

The uprisings have arrived, in Damascus there is a new order of welding and a new direction of the image. “Unsere Kräfte since fast dammit, die Controlle in der Hauptstadt zu übernehmen and öffentliches Eigentum zu schützen”, teilte HTS mit. “The new direction will make the work possible after the gründung that is being carried out.” If all goes well, this could be a good thing. HTS veröffentlichte auch Photos of Anführer Abu Mohammed al-Golani, who was interviewed in the central Umajad-Moschee.

If the Sturz-Assads start playing such political issues, there is no state violence before the war. With the Syrian security protection, such as the white helmet, the military can use Saidnaya na Damaskus with Hunden and Geräuschsensoren nach Geheimzellen in Keller, wie de Leiter op de platform X-schreibt. The human rights organization Amnesty International has made a report about 2017, which is the beginning of the civil protests of the people at the mass institutions in Saidnaya, who are in disarray.

Start the grand offensive of the rebellion for a quick battle among the active 910 people. Darunter seien 138 Zivilisten, auch more Kinder, meld de Syrian Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte.

Syria was split after the years of civil war. Neben der HTS and verbündeten Rebel groups are another Kurdish anyway Türkei-nahe Milizen active in the Country. In the ethnically and professionally divided country we live together with Kurds, Alawites, Drusen and Christians. The minority of the Alevites are war against the most important supporter of the current Assad government.

Militarily, the Assad government for everything from Iran and Russia, another Luftwaffen and a Navy base and the Syrian Middle Lake coast have been stopped. This wolle Mosque has called on one of the best solutions for the job, such as Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow from the Russian nachrichtagentur Interfax-zufolge. An Abzug is no longer necessary.

Russland hat Assad and blessing Family Asyl gewährt. Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin, who was handling Assad traffic, has arrested the family, like Peskow. An official policy with the power of politics is not possible. Angaben power is in control, but the Assads are being hunted. Neben Russland hat die Türkei in Syrian großen Einfluss, de Gebiete in Norden occupies und dort Milizen unterstützt.

After US President Joe Biden said goodbye to the American soldiers, these could continue in Syria later. I have been a country since stationing 900 US soldiers. Israel has abandoned its forces in the bullet zone on the Golanhöhen and other Orten, which are located on the Syrian Seite des Berges Hermon. The Israeli Luftwaffe lashes the activities of the Sturz Assads on the Raum of the Syrian Hauptstadt Damaskus.

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